Create word documents using document automation

Try this on

Start by tagging your word document

Note: Do not use spaces

Incorrect: This is a tag with spaces

Correct: {ThisIsATagWithoutSpaces} or you can use {This} or {EvenThis1} or {$Price} and even {$$Cost} name your tags in the column (within template administration) according to the tag format you require.


Correctly formatted tags in word document


Sales Order


ATTN: {CustomerName} of {CompanyName}

{CompanyAddress}, {CompanyCity}, {CompanyState} {CompanyZip}



Reference Invoice# {InvoiceNumber}


Dear {CustomerName} of {CompanyName} please submit payment in the amount of ${PaymentAmount} to ABC Inc. at your earliest convenience.



123 State Street

Mishawaka, Indiana

(888) 888-8888